One Word 2011

Alece chose one word. So did Ann and Lindsey.

I thought I had chosen a word for last year but I didn’t.

This year I am. I’ve chosen the word focus. Focus on God. Focus on now, on the present.

The definition of focus is “a central point, as of attraction, attention, or activity.”

One reason why I’ve chosen focus is because I noticed this past year that I had lost focus of God and His plan for my life.

As an amateur photog, I know the importance of focus in pictures. This year I want to learn the importance of focus in my life, in my relationship with God. I want to focus on life in the here and now. No longer looking back or worrying about tomorrow.

I’ve looked over my shoulder for too long, worrying about my past harming my present or my future. And I’ve been worrying about tomorrow for too long – concerned more about what is going to happen 5 minutes, 5 days, 5 weeks or 5 months from now instead of living. I haven’t been taking in all that’s around me on a daily basis.

Living in the moment, living for God. Focused on the here and now. I am going to learn to do that in 2011.

It’s going to be a process. It may hurt here and there but I won’t give up.

3 responses to “One Word 2011

  1. “focus” is a powerful word. it’s like harnessed energy and momentum. and your statement — “I’ve looked over my shoulder for too long, worrying about my past harming my present or my future” — WOW. me too. me too…

    • I am hoping to do that – harness my energy in a way that allows me to be able to say, “I’m going to do this” and follow through with it 100% and in a way that glorifies God.

      I pray that I learn that my past is just that – my past – and only has the power I give it so that I no longer give it any power.

  2. Pingback: OneWord 2011: Update | Living a Blessed Life

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