I Heart China

This month is the anniversary of my trip to China. It’s been 2 years since I spent 2 weeks (really 12 days after the traveling but who’s counting?) in a country I never thought nor really desired to visit.

And I miss it. There really isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t think about my time there or the people I met there.

They captured a piece of my heart and I will forever want to go back. I know it was God that I went there in the first place and my prayer is that it will be God’s plan for me to go back.

I pray that if I do I’ll get to see my friends again. Maybe someday they can come here to visit. I think they’d love the US. It is such a stark contrast to China. I mean, we can actually see the sun compared to the constant overcast that seems to be over China. Next week I’ll post some photos from my time there and introduce you to a couple of my friends.

These are two girls that I still keep in contact with and I love them. 🙂 They are so sweet! I think you’ll love them, too.

Is there somewhere you’ve been that you want to go back to?

Is there a place you’ve never been that you’d want to visit?

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